A Message from Gail
Hello Friends!
I am so excited to share with all of you some highlights from 2022 including important employee milestones! I truly hope you enjoy reading our KCSL news. However, none of these things could have been accomplished without the work done every day by our dedicated staff.
Milestone Anniversaries
Each year, KCSL recognizes employees who have reached milestone anniversaries. We had 31 employees celebrating 5, 10, 15 and 20-year anniversaries! I’ve been traveling across the state this spring and into summer to celebrate our longevity awards with staff. It is always so much fun to spend time with them and hear about the things they have learned over their years at KCSL. Helping us accomplish our mission, these special employees demonstrate a passion for this work. They are keenly aware of the profound impact they have on parents and children to create stronger families and help communities grow better together.
Positivity Amongst the Team
Often the hearts of our staff are heavy, as they hear firsthand from many parents the tales of struggle to be seen, heard or feel worthy of happiness. That has taken a particular toll on our workers over the past two years as they continued to support families in creative, unique ways. Despite all of that, the JOY I witnessed with staff while visiting our offices continues to bring a smile to my face and laughter to my soul. They are always so positive and have a unique ability to see the best in all people. This is such a critical skill to have when working with parents and children who have felt unwanted and unloved. My admiration for their work and dedication to improving our families’ lives grows stronger each day. It is a privilege to work alongside all our amazing KCSL employees!
Take a Moment to Celebrate
If you haven’t done it yet, take a moment to recognize the milestones of your employees, coworkers or even your friends and loved ones. Trust me, it’s worth it!

Gail Cozadd